Thursday 1 January 2009

10 Predictions for 2009

My Predictions for the year 2009:
1. Gordon Brown will not call a election in the Spring. Brown will not gamble his reputation on a early election- and it will be a fatal decision. By the next Labour Party Conference the party will have sunk in the polls to the low 30s.
2. David Cameron will reshuffle his cabinet to get rid of some deadwood. David Davis will return to Defence. Ken Clarke may return in some capacity. Perhaps Business Secretary to compete against Mandelson.
3. Expect Cameron to be unpopular in the first quarter of the year with his party as he continues his "crusade" against the fat cats of the city.
4. Obama will become unpopular with the left of his party. Expect him to fully support Israel's military actions. His Afgani surge will also prove difficult with Germany refusing troops.
5. UKIP will do well in the European elections. The Conservatives will make little headway this summer.
6. Vince Cable will relinquish his role as Liberal Democrats Treasury Spokesmen. That will probably be the last we hear of him (minus the panel shows)
7. Ed Balls will become Chancellor, lining him up to be the Brownites choice as successor to Brown come 2010. This will be delusional.
8. Obama will begin the pull out of troops from Iraq. The fate of the detainees in Gitmo will be of major concern.
9. Expect Iran to come in from the cold after the Presidential election. Obama will engage- and be diplomatically successful in his efforts to do that.
10. Economic crisis will turn away from markets and banks and become unemployment and bankrupcy. Expect more names from the high street to disappear: Superdrug, Next, Waterstones, Pret a Manger, JJB Sports, Morrisons all could be up for the chop.

With that gloomy outlook: Happy New Year!

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