Thursday 1 January 2009

The 2008 Awards

Here's my review of the year.....

The 2008 Awards

Politician of the Year- Barack Obama
UK Politician of the Year- Gordon Brown (the comeback)
Political Moment of the Year- Barack Obama wins US Election.
Moment that made 2008- The Collapse of Lehman Brothers.

Peer of the Year- Lord Mandelson

Magazine of the Year- The New Yorker

Political Website of the Year-
Political Humorist of the Year- Tina Fey

Political Book of the Year- Barack Obama "Change we can believe in"

Columnist/Commentator of the Year- Charlie Brooker

Broadcast Journalist of the Year- Matt Frei

Print Journalist of the Year-
Hendrik Hertzberg, The New Yorker
Podcast of the Year- The Campaign Trail, The New Yorker
Political TV Programme of the Year- This Week

Political Radio Programme of the Year- From our own Correspondent, Radio 4

Communicator of the Year- Barack Obama

Speech of the Year- Barack Obama: "A More Perfect Union"

Campaigner of the Year- Shami Chakrabati

Pressure Group of the Year-

Think Tank of the Year- Policy Exchange

Conservative MP of 2008- (In terms of Impact) David Davis

Labour MP of 2008- Diane Abbott (remember 42 days!)

LibDem MP of 2008- Vince Cable

Minister of the Year- David Miliband (Outstanding response to both Georgia and Gaza)

Worst Minister of the Year- Andy Burnham (Remember Shami-Davis gate? Urgh)

Shadow Cabinet Minister of the Year- Michael Gove

Funniest Political Moment of the Year- Sarah Palin with Katie Couric

Catchphrase of the Year- Yes We Can!

Political Genius of the Year- David Axelrod

Burn them in a furnace Award- Sarah Palin

Worst Political Moment of the year- McCain surges in the polls following Palin nomination speech at GOP Convention.

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